Tuesday, March 31, 2020

HTML basic information - CodeVsScript


HTML basic information
HTML basic information  

***HTML is a computer language that allows you to display any information, pictures or even videos through the Internet. And to do this, you need to create a web page. And the main structure of a web page is created with HTML. HTML is not a programming language, it is called Hyper Text Mark Up Language. Mark Up Language is a set made up of Mark Up tags. How different sections of a web page are displayed through the browser is highlighted in HTML using the Mark Up tags.***

***HTML means Hyper Text Markup Language. This is not a programming language, but a markup language.
To become a web developer, you need to first learn this language well. Now, it is very easy to learn.

You can create a web page only after learning this. Then if you learn CSS, you will be able to make a lot of calls on that page Then turn to JavaScript, learn JavaScript and apply it to your webpage started to become dynamic. Finally, learning the PHP + Database allows you to create a complete Database Driven website.***

History of HTML

***US Computer Scientist Tim Barnes-Lee created the first HTML language (Hyper Text Mark Up Language). The purpose of this was to make the scientific data to be exchanged rapidly in different parts of the world. Then around 8 the HTML was acquired through the mosaic browser developed by NCSA. The first developed HTML3.2 was released by W3C in January. In December of the same year, the new version of W3C HTML released HTML4.2. The latest version of HTML, now the current HTML version, became known to the HTML5 public.***

Where and how to write HTML code?

***The only way to write a program is to use coding using a Code Editor. You can use professional text editors such as Sublime Text, atom.io, Brackets, etc. for HTML coding. Programs written in HTML can be viewed in any browser such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome and Opera by saving them with an .html extension such as index.html or test.html or other extention .htm such as index.htm.***

The basic components of a program written in HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
This is my first web page.

***Open a notepad and type the code code at the top and click Save as from the File menu, then save it as File name: test.html, Save as type: All files, and then open the test.html file with Mozilla Firefox.***

HTML demo

Need to Know HTML to Learn?

***The following words need to be well understood to learn HTML -
  • HTML Element
  • HTML Tag
  • HTML Attribute

Let's got have a clear idea of ​​the three above things one by one.***

What is HTML tag?

***Keyword is used to write a program in HTML <> and two symbols and some pre-defined words such as html, head, title, body etc. <> The symbol and the one written between it is called a tag together. Such as and. Is the body start tag and is the body end tag.***

What is HTML Elements?

***Any start and end tag in HTML and the middle part is called the Element of the corresponding tag. Such as <h1> this is an example of an element. </h1> Here is an example of an element between <h1> heading1 start and </h1> heading1 end tag. So, this is an example of an element of h1 tag. Some tags have no Element, such as <br /> <img />.
Usually those tags that do not have the ending tag do not even have an element. This type of start tag only contains the 
"/" symbol, and must be preceded by a space. And these are called HTML empty Element.***

What is HTML 

***HTML Attribute refers to some pre-defined words within the start tag to enhance the performance of tags in HTML. Attributes are mainly used to enhance the performance of tags in HTML. For example, <font size = "5 = face =" Tahoma "color =" red "> Hello w3programmers. <Font /> size =" 5 "here is an attribute of the font tag, which is expressing the element. What is the size of the text? Also the face = "Tahoma" is expressing the font of the text will be Tahoma and the color = "red" is the color of the text will be red.***

What is HTML Entities?

***Some special characters such as <,> symbols in HTML are commonly used to write HTML tags, so typing in some of them may cause the browser to misunderstand the tag or display the information exactly as we wish. Again some of the symbols such as © ™ ™ $ etc. do not have the keyboard typed in your editor to be written. Now if you want to display any such icon on the web page then you can use HTML Entity.
Some commonly used entities.
Each entity starts with an ampersand (&) symbol followed by its name and ending with a semicolon (;).
Entity can also be expressed by name and optionally each Entity has a number that can also be expressed. The following are some of the named entities.
Each entity starts with an ampersand (&) symbol followed by its name and ending with a semicolon (;).
Entity can also be expressed by name and optionally each Entity has a number that can also be expressed. 

The following are some of the named entities.


The numbers are, respectively



common html entity


***HTML <! DOCTYPE> Tag is a HTML document used to tell the browser what kind of HTML document you are. This declaration is based on what version of HTML you use. For example, the above document is a document in HTML 5, so we write it as <! DOCTYPE html>. So if it were version 1.0 of XHTML then the declaration would have to be this way:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

What is HTML Comments?

***Comments in HTML are an HTML coder or programmer's source code explanation or footnote. We can also call it Coding Documentation. Usually, the Compiler and Interpretor of any programming language avoids comments without executing the code as code. With the Comments System we cannot use HTML coding documentation right now, but we may temporarily hide HTML code that may be useful in the future.***

How to use comment tag on HTML?

***The comment is done with the start tag in the HTML. See the example below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML Comment</title>
    <!--This is a paragraph-->
    <p>Hello HTML!</p>

If you run the code above, you will not see the contents of the comment in the browser.***

Condition Comment

***For those tags that Internet Explorer does not support in the browser, you can set tags within the comment as an alternative to those tags. This will make the tags in the comments appear correctly when the code runs in Internet Explorer browser. See the example below:

<!--[if IE 8]>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="/media/jui/js/html5.js"></script>

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